A Graphics Software Company

Founded in 2005

in English
en français

Geospatial Visualization Software

We provide GNOSIS, a high performance GIS visualization SDK, supporting 3D views and terrain, as well as cartographic projections. We offer training and support and can also build complete solutions, or integrate with existing systems.

For our Free and Open-Source cross-platform SDK and IDE,
please visit ecere.org

For eC, our Object Oriented superset of the C programming language with properties, modules and reflection,
please visit ec-lang.org

You can also visit us on GitHub at github.com/ecere/

GNOSIS in Action

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See http://ecere.ca/gnosis/ for description and links to the open data used to render these maps with GNOSIS.

GNOSIS Geospatial Software Products

High performance 3D and cartographic visualization

Deployment on multiple platforms: desktop, embedded, mobile and web

Large scale Spatial Data Infrastructures

Cloud-based or self-hosted low bandwidth solutions

Rapid prototyping and turn-key solutions

Powerful SDK for developers


Ecere Corporation is a privately owned company based in Gatineau, Québec, Canada, incorporated in 2005.

OGC member
Convergence Network

The development of GNOSIS has been funded in part by the NRC-IRAP program,
as well as federal and provicial Scientific Resarch & Experimental Development tax credits.

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Jérôme Jacovella-St-Louis

Chief Technology Officer

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Patrick Dion

Software Developer

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Réjean Loyer

Senior Software Consultant


Join a highly motivated development team with a passion for software engineering, computer graphics and geospatial technology.

Current opportunities

No current opening

We are always interested to hear from exceptionally talented and motivated candidates with top problem solving skills and a solid background in software engineering, computer graphics and performance optimizations. Please send us a detailed resume (2-3 pages) and letter of introduction to:
explaining why you would like to join our team.

Contact Us

Get in touch with us to learn more about our solutions and how they could solve your geospatial visualization challenges.

We also offer our visualization Software Development Kit for licensing along with training and support.